Ending the war immediately is a complex and difficult task, especially in the case of the conflict in Ukraine. However, here are some general steps that can be taken to end war, which we discussed today at the Solidaritätsnetz International event that was announced earlier.

1. Ceasefire. The first step towards ending a war is to conclude a comprehensive ceasefire agreement and ensure that all parties involved adhere to it.

2. Diplomatic negotiations. Engage in meaningful diplomatic negotiations involving all parties involved in the conflict, with the goal of achieving a peaceful resolution and addressing the root causes of the conflict.

3. International mediation: seek the involvement of neutral third parties or international organizations to mediate the peace process and facilitate dialogue between conflicting parties.

4. Humanitarian Assistance: provide immediate humanitarian assistance to conflict-affected populations, including access to food, water, shelter and medical care.

5. Respect for international law: ensure that all parties involved in the conflict comply with international humanitarian law and respect human rights to protect civilians and prevent further escalation of violence.

6. Reconciliation and Dialogue: promote a culture of reconciliation and dialogue between different groups involved in conflict to promote mutual understanding, tolerance and confidence-building.

It is important to recognize that ending a war requires the joint efforts of all parties involved, as well as the support of the international community. Immediate action, coupled with sustained diplomatic efforts and a commitment to peace and stability, is the key to resolving conflicts like Ukraine’s.

At our round table, Sonja Troicher (Solidaritätsnetz Int.), Andreas Zafeiris (Athener Institut für Literatur), Louise Weber (Organization der demokratischen Alternative), Lic.  Phil. Mattias Rysler (MEMORANDUM Vom 1. OKTOBER), Petra Ottenhof (Platvorm voor en solidariteit), Robert Hudec – Börr (Organisation der direkten Demokratie), Dr. Hans-Luzius Schmid (“Our New Europe”) expressed their opinions. The event was attended by the press and representatives of Swiss civil society.

We must pay special attention to the fact that Solidaritätsnetz International provided a platform for discussion and does not agree with some of the statements made by the speakers. The point of view of our Organization is declared only by Sonja Troicher.

See the video for more details.

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