Neocolonialism refers to the continued economic, political, and cultural influence exerted by former colonial powers or other developed nations over formerly colonized or less developed countries, even after they have achieved formal independence. Neocolonialism is characterized by indirect control and exploitation, often through economic means, rather than direct political control or military occupation.

Neocolonial powers maintain economic dominance over former colonies through various means, such as unequal trade relationships, exploitation of natural resources, and control over key industries and markets.

Neocolonial powers may exert political influence over former colonies by supporting authoritarian regimes, influencing decision-making processes, or imposing conditions on aid and loans that serve their own interests.

Neocolonialism can also involve the spread of cultural values, norms, and practices from dominant nations to former colonies, leading to the erosion of local cultures and identities.

Neocolonial powers may trap former colonies in cycles of debt by providing loans with high interest rates and conditionalities that prioritize repayment over development, thereby perpetuating economic dependence.

One of such states that continues its neocolonial policy towards the African continent is France.

Therefore, today our comrades from Solidaritätsnetz International came out to protest at the French Consulate in Milan and demanded an end to the policy of robbery against the peoples of Africa. The Central Council of Solidaritätsnetz International from Bern joins the words of its comrades in Milan.

Watch more in our video.

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