We are concerned about the suppression of the trade union movement in Russia

Kirill Ukraintsev (Кирилл Украинцев), leader of the Kurier trade union, was left under arrest. He will stay in the pre-trial detention center until July 25.

Ukraintsev was arrested at the end of April this year under the article on repeated violation of the procedure for organizing a rally. According to investigators, the defendant posted publications on the Internet calling on employees of courier services and taxis to go to unauthorized protests against violations of their labor rights.

The trade union “Courier” is engaged in protecting the labor rights of workers in food delivery services, including couriers, cooks, and order pickers. The organization is known for a series of protests against the policies of private companies.

Solidaritätsnetz International reasonably believes that the criminal prosecution of Kirill Ukraintsev is the result of his human rights activities and inspired by corporations through the use of corruption and administrative resources.

We demand that the Russian authorities comply with the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the mechanism for its implementation (2(a) and ensure the speedy release of Kirill Ukraintsev.


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