We demand to investigate the use of torture against prisoners in Russia

Solidaritätsnetz International requires the competent authorities to investigate the use of torture against prisoners in the prisons of the Russian Federation.

The human rights project Gulagu.net has published on its YouTube channel new recordings of the abuse of prisoners in Russia. The 17-minute video includes footage taken at the tuberculosis hospital of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Saratov region, in the Belgorod penal colony No. 4 and in the penal colony No. 6 in Kamchatka.

On October 4, Vladimir Osechkin, the founder of the human rights project Gulagu.net, said that he had managed to obtain and remove from Russia a “secret” video archive of the special services with recordings of the cruel tortures of convicts held in the colonies of the regional departments of the Federal Penitentiary Service – Saratov, Vladimir and Irkutsk. We are talking about more than forty gigabytes of video. The next day, several videos were published, filmed in the prison hospital No. 1 of the Saratov Department of the Penitentiary Service. After that, the central office of the Federal Penitentiary Service sent its authorized representatives there with a check. In total, according to the founder of Gulagu.net, more than 200 people have been tortured and raped, but only 40 of them were tortured on video.

Solidaritätsnetz International welcomes the reaction of the Russian law enforcement agencies to the revealed facts, however, we note that such incidents were not promptly enough and prevented.

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