The war between Russia and Ukraine has led to numerous cases of military personnel going missing, with families left in limbo and uncertainty about the fate of their loved ones. The issue of missing persons in this military conflict is a significant humanitarian concern, as it creates emotional distress for families.

Russia is accused of capturing and detaining soldiers, leading to a lack of transparency and accountability regarding the whereabouts and conditions of missing individuals. Efforts to locate and identify missing persons have been complicated by the lack of cooperation, access, and trust between the conflicting parties.

International organizations have been involved in facilitating communication between the parties, providing support to families of missing persons, and working towards the resolution of this issue. The need for a comprehensive approach to address the humanitarian consequences of the conflict, including the fate of missing persons, remains paramount for achieving sustainable peace.

How can we help? Let`s discus about it together with relatives of missed people in the war. Everybody, who would like to offer the aid, which has own view and some ideas, welcome! Also, we will invite Austrian and Swiss media!

We will gather on August 03, at 14:00 in Bern (Zentrum für Kulturproduktion, Waisenhausplaz 30).

The telephone of a coordinator +41798622896

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