Human rights situation in Ukraine raises concern

Taking into account the position of the Government of the Swiss Confederation, which condemned the armed aggression of Russia against Ukraine, we refrained from assessing the situation with human rights in the territory controlled by Kyiv. We continued to record Russia’s violations of its international obligations, spoke out on this issue and provided due opposition.

Ukraine has received the status of a candidate member of the European Union and, despite the state of war, the requirements for fundamental human rights, for the standards of observance of these rights, must be strengthened.

Solidaritätsnetz International documents the unjustified, demonstrative and cruel use of physical violence by Ukrainian law enforcement agencies when detaining suspects, degrading and physical punishment of military personnel and civilians, confiscation of property without trial, and other egregious actions that are not possible in a civilized society . Separately, it is necessary to single out cases of pressure on lawyers and human rights activists, which were also subjected to representatives of our Organization. More over, many facts and numerous complaints, we understand that we must continue human rights work.

The changes in the legislation adopted by the Parliament of Ukraine are too broad and vague. In conect with allow declaring any person objectionable to the authorities and (or) criticizing the authorities in high treason and (or) collaborationist activity.

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and the National Police have arrested more than a thousand people suspected of supporting the Russian armed forces and armed groups associated with them. According to the UN, there are fears that the arrests may not have been made in accordance with Ukraine’s international human rights obligations, and the UN mission has documented 12 cases that can be equated to enforced disappearances, in which Ukrainian law enforcement agencies are involved.

Solidaritätsnetz International will begin to more thoroughly document the case of human rights violations by the Ukrainian authorities and provide regular reports to our partners in the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (Geneva, Switzerland).

We also continue to monitor the situation in Russia.

After each reporting period, our Organization will hold briefings for the press in Europe and briefings for the press from the countries of the European Union in English an

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